
El Nogal

Conde Ansúrez 10, 47003, Valladolid, Spain
Inquire for free

Everything at a glance


Only 5.4mi from city centre.


Later directly to El Nogal.
No credit card required.

Group benefit

+100£ voucher for your next booking with tripmakery.

  • No credit card required
  • Pay directly at the accommodation
  • Free wifi
  • Suitable for groups

Things to consider

Payment and payment methods

Payment methods:
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What is offered

Spoken languages

  • English
  • German

The hotel

Number of rooms:
Average price:
ca. £25/night/person
Have any questions?
El Nogal
Conde Ansúrez 10, 47003, Valladolid, Spain
5.4mi to the city centre

Important questions answered

How does an inquiry work?

After sending your inquiry, hotels will be automatically notified. You will receive exclusive offers, or rejections within 24h.

What is the benefit of using tripmakery?

  1. 1. Individual offers, incl. discounts and free places
  2. 2. Conveniently compare and book offers online
  3. 3. Personal support via phone, chat or email.

Who is responsible if something goes wrong?

Our goal is to keep our customers satisfied, as this in turn helps our business grow. So if you have a problem with your accommodation, we will take a close look at what we can do for you.

Can I use tripmakery from the UK?

Absolutely. Our service is available to all UK customers without any charge. We offer more than 5000+ group hotels in the UK.

Have any questions?
Inquire for free
Inquire for free

Things to consider

Payment and payment methods

Payment methods:
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