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For companies looking for ideal hotel offers for their corporate anniversaries in Trondheim, there are numerous options. We have analyzed 22 accommodations and selected the top 10 hotel offers for corporate anniversaries that provide excellent value while ensuring a memorable celebration.
Getting offers from different hotels is unfortunately very time-consuming, we know that. That's why we have created our dedicated service, which provides you with fitting offers!
Note: The selection was made according to our experts' own criteria and experience and does NOT contain paid advertising!
Hotel rooms | 169 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Nedre Bakklandet 60, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.8/10p.) 2710 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€€€ (from €100/night) |
Hotel rooms | 246 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Dronningens Gate 5, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.8/10p.) 2785 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€€€ (from €100/night) |
Hotel rooms | 298 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Kjøpmannsgata 73, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.2/10p.) 4754 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€€ (around €75 - €100/night) |
We'll help you get the best deals for free!
Hotel rooms | 119 total (239 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Brattørgata 2, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8/10p.) 706 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 31. person stays free of charge |
Price category | €€ (around €35 - €50/night) |
Hotel rooms | 343 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Havnegt. 1-3, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8/10p.) 2.117 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
Hotel rooms | 122 total |
Property type | Bed & Breakfast |
Address | Ivar Lykkes veg 1, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8/10p.) 292 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€ (around €35 - €50/night) |
Hotel rooms | 128 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Nordre gate 24, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.2/10p.) 2331 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | € (up to €35/night) |
Hotel rooms | 400 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Klæbuveien 127, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Appealing
(6/10p.) 750 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€ (around €35 - €50/night) |
Hotel rooms | 136 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Kongensgate 26, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.2/10p.) 2663 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€€ (around €75 - €100/night) |
Hotel rooms | 163 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Søndre gate 22B, Trondheim - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8/10p.) 259 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
We'll help you get the best deals for free!