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For travel organizers bringing international groups to Muenster, it is important to find a hotel that meets the needs of a diverse group. We have reviewed 23 hotels in Muenster and selected the top 10 that are distinguished by multilingual staff, cultural sensitivity, and services tailored to international visitors.
Getting offers from different hotels is unfortunately very time-consuming, we know that. That's why we have created our dedicated service, which provides you with fitting offers!
Note: The selection was made according to our experts' own criteria and experience and does NOT contain paid advertising!
Hotel rooms | 76 total (234 beds) |
Property type | Hostel |
Address | Bismarckallee 31, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.1/10p.) 58 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Group rooms |
Price category | €€€€€ (from €100/night) |
Hotel rooms | 80 total (152 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Albersloher Weg 7-13, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.5/10p.) 152 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 16. person stays free of charge |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
Hotel rooms | 79 total (150 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 26, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.9/10p.) 1730 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 26. person stays free of charge |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
We'll help you get the best deals for free!
Hotel rooms | 80 total (120 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Heeremansweg 13, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.1/10p.) 531 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
Hotel rooms | 137 total (211 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Aegidiistraße 21, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.4/10p.) 2176 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 26. person stays free of charge |
Price category | €€€€ (around €75 - €100/night) |
Hotel rooms | 142 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Weißenburgstraße 60 - 64, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.9/10p.) 2611 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 26. person stays free of charge |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
Hotel rooms | 224 total (389 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Kardinal-von-Galen-Ring 65, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.5/10p.) 3692 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€€ (around €75 - €100/night) |
Hotel rooms | 114 total (178 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Berliner Platz 2, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 26. person stays free of charge |
Group rooms |
Price category | €€ (around €35 - €50/night) |
Hotel rooms | 23 total (44 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Neubrückenstraße 12 -14, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.3/10p.) 518 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
Hotel rooms | 32 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 55-57, Muenster - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.9/10p.) 381 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€ (around €35 - €50/night) |
We'll help you get the best deals for free!