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For companies looking to motivate and reward their employees with travel incentives in Ruhr, there are numerous high-quality hotels. We have analyzed 224 hotels and selected the top 10 incentive travel hotels that combine luxury with exclusive services to ensure an unforgettable experience.
Getting offers from different hotels is unfortunately very time-consuming, we know that. That's why we have created our dedicated service, which provides you with fitting offers!
Note: The selection was made according to our experts' own criteria and experience and does NOT contain paid advertising!
Hotel rooms | 52 total (79 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Schwarzensteinweg 81, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.9/10p.) 1077 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 5. person stays free of charge |
Group rooms |
Price category | € (up to €35/night) |
Hotel rooms | 210 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Centroallee 280, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.2/10p.) 8281 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
Hotel rooms | 18 total (2438 beds) |
Property type | Pension |
Address | Dahmenhofweg 2, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.8/10p.) 16 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Group rooms |
Price category | €€ (around €35 - €50/night) |
We'll help you get the best deals for free!
Hotel rooms | 116 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Hullerner Straße 102, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.6/10p.) 475 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€€ (around €75 - €100/night) |
Hotel rooms | 65 total (128 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Konrad-Duden-Straße 99, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.2/10p.) 1524 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 31. person stays free of charge |
Group rooms |
Price category | €€ (around €35 - €50/night) |
Hotel rooms | 17 total (36 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Rotthauser Straße 40, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.2/10p.) 502 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
Hotel rooms | 30 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Ulrichstraße 28, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.7/10p.) 169 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | € (up to €35/night) |
Hotel rooms | 41 total (49 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Distelkamp 1, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Very good
(7.3/10p.) 657 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€ (around €50 - €75/night) |
Hotel rooms | 176 total (352 beds) |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Schützenbahn 58, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8.3/10p.) 3047 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Free places | Every 21. person stays free of charge |
Group rooms |
Price category | €€ (around €35 - €50/night) |
Hotel rooms | 206 total |
Property type | Hotel |
Address | Huyssenallee 55, Ruhr - Google Maps |
Location |
Rating | Great
(8/10p.) 1809 reviews |
Parking |
Amenities |
Price category | €€€€ (around €75 - €100/night) |
We'll help you get the best deals for free!